Thursday, February 10, 2011

chocolate covered pretzels

I have been itching to start this blog for months now. Something always comes up though, something to prevent me from putting pen to paper (or fingertips to keyboard) and publishing my first post.
That something is programming illiteracy. 
I've now decided that enough is enough.So this is me biting the bullet.

It's the first post so I thought I would start with something super simple. In fact, it's not as much a recipe as it is DIY instructions. I made this on Christmas and everyone loved so I decided to make them again for a friend's beach party... admittedly it's not the best beach party food considering that chocolate melts almost instantly when exposed to a combination of 30degree celsius temperatures and direct sunlight but that didn't matter because these guys were such a marvelous success that they were gobbled up in mere minutes.

If you need a small but scrummy gift this delicious, cost effective, no skill required, recipe is for you! All you need is a few minutes to make them, pop them into clear bags and tie them up with some pretty ribbon. done.

So... chocolate salted pretzels:


1 slab (approx 200g) dark/milk/white chocolate (whichever you prefer... I initially made this with milk chocolate and this time used half dark and half top-deck)

Plain salted pretzels (as many as you need... usually for a slab you can make about 100 - 150 pretzels... depending on how chocolatey you like them)


Break up the chocolate in a double boiler (Hint: I don't have one so I used a pyrex mixing bowl on top of a sauce pan filled with boiling water)

Wait for the chocolate to melt completely

Either lay out the pretzels on some wax paper and drizzle with melted chocolate
Dunk each pretzel into the melted chocolate (preferably without burning your fingers) and then lay them on some wax paper to dry

The first alternative is much quicker but I usually make them using the second method as I think it looks prettier and there is also less chocolate wastage.

(Hint: If you're making these during South African summer... or similar temperatures the chocolate is going to take hours to harden - if at all. I usually stick the chocolated pretzels in the fridge to set. And, actually, the coolness of the pretzels is pretty great when the air around you is a stifling hot blanket).


And yay me! First blog post... tick!


Anonymous said...

Just saw these on taste spotting, I'm not sure why I haven't thought to make this before so thanks for the inspiration

anna said...

these pretzels look delicious. i will definetly try to make these. congratulations on your blog and on getting your first post onto tastespotting - that's impressive. i also really like your balloon-pictures on top of the blog and on your about-site.

Candice said...

thank you very much :)